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The Lednice-Valtice Area

The Lednice-Valtice Area is a unique worldwide landscape complex with plenty of cultural and natural monuments which can be observed on foot or by bicycle thanks to number of cycle-paths and tourist paths.
The Lednice-Valtice Area is a unique landscape complex with an area 283.09 km2 in the Břeclav district near the boarder with Austria has been entered into UNESCO World Heritage List since December 1996 and has been esteemed as the largest composed landscape in Europe and possibly in the world.
The area on the boundary of Moravia and Lower Austria was formed into the shape of a landscape park by the princely family of Liechtenstein in the 18th a 19th centuries. It contains lots of cultural and natural monuments, including the highest category of national monuments.
Besides the towns of Valtice, Lednice (connected with Bezruč alley planted in 1715) and the village of Hlohovec, we can consider the artificially planted Boří les and Lednické rybníky (the ponds) to be important units forming the landscape. The Area also includes the flood-plain forest along the river Dyje in Břeclav’s surroundings.
The most important cultural monuments are the chateaus in Lednice and Valtice.
There are small buildings, so called salets, scattered around entire Lednice-Valtice Area
· The Temple of Apollo (Apollónův chrám)
· The Belveder Pleasure-House (Belvedér)
· The Diana´s Temple (Dianin chrám)
· The Border Mansion (Hraničnbí zámeček)
· The Jan´s Castle (Janův hrad)
· The Chapel of St. Hubert (Kaple sv. Huberta)
· The Colonnade on Reisten (Kolonáda na Rajstně)
· The Hunting Lodge (Lovecký zámeček)
· The Moorish water works (maurská vodárna), Aqueduct (Akvadukt) and
· The Minaret in Lednice Castle park
· The New Yard ( Nový Dvůr)
· The Obelisk
· The Pond mansion (Rybniční zámeček)
· The Three Graces (Tři Grácie)
· The Mansion Lány (Zámeček Lány)
· The Mansion Pohansko (Zámeček Pohansko)
Archeological discoveries in the Lednice-Valtice Area:
· the ancient Slavonic fort Pohansko
· the fort near Nejdek
· the fortress Aloch
National monuments and reservations:
· NNM Pastvisko u Lednice
· NNM Rendez-vous
· NNR Lednice ponds
· NNR Slanisko u Nesytu
· NM Kamenice u Hlohovce
· NM Lake Kutnar
· NM Lake Květné
· NR Františkův rybník
· NM Dyje Alluvium
Since 2003, all areas are part of the Lower Morava Biosphere Reserve.
Tourist routes
· red: the Colonnade on Reisten - Valtice – the railway station in Valtice-město - Rendezvous (Diana´s Temple) - St. Hubert – Tři Grácie (the Three Graces) – Nový Dvůr (the New Yard) - the railway station at Lednice-ponds - Lednice - Bulhary – further on to Šakvice
· blue: the railway station in Valtice-město - Hlohovec – Hraniční zámeček (Border Mansion) - Sedlec – further on to Mikulov
· green: the railway station in Boří les (the Wood) - Pohansko – the railway station in Břeclav – Břeclav Castle - Kančí obora – Janův hrad (Jan´s Castle) – Castle Park Lednice - Lednice
· yellow 1: the railway station in Břeclav – Břeclav Castle - Kančí obora - St. Hubert - Hlohovec – Hraniční zámeček (Border Mansion) – the Pond Mansion - the railway station in Lednice-rybníky (ponds) – the Temple of Apollo - at Apollo
· yellow 2: Lednice – Lovecký zámeček (the Hunting Mansion) - Ladná bridge – further on to Podivín
the above mentioned information is taken from the web sites https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lednicko-valtick%C3%BD_are%C3%A1l